Friday, 22 February 2013

Which Essential Oils can use to Help with Colds and Flu?

Cold and flu are very common these days especially in winter it can be due to the viral infections but thesymptoms of cold and flu are stuffed-up nostrils, running nose, coughing, sneezing and a sore throat. Glands along the neck become puffed-up and enlarged as a result. But if it persists then the possibility of allergies should be quickly investigated.
If we see cold and flu separately then flu is much more ruthless than a cold, but tends to reveal similar warning signs. Thus, here come the essential oils which are suggested by ayurvedic experts. The essential oils for flu and cold have helped a number of patients to seek relief. Though the homeopathic and allopathic do not support it but still essential oils have given miraculous results. In case of current winter scenario when the cold and flu season is in full swing, review some of the more important essential oils.
Here is a list of some essential oils and there importance:

•    Cajuput
•    Cloves
•    Eucalyptus
•     Niaouli
•    Pine
•    Rosemary 
•    Sage


Basil is one best essential oil for soothing cough that leads to asthma, bronchitis and or sinus infections.


This essential oil is an anti-viral which means it will build up your immune system. You can rub it on your chest and use it as an inhaler for best results. 


This lavender oil is quiet a powerful in terms of its essence thus the stronger the essential oils the quickly it will antidote the remedy, in which case it is best to stick with lavender. As lavender is tranquillizing oil thus it may not be the best choice for an office area since it will make you sleepy and unfocused. This essential oil for flu and cold is very effective. Lavender is best for the bedroom area, whereas rosemary, pine and eucalyptus are better for cleansing at work places.

Aroma oil

Before you begin with aroma oils first keep your environment clean by getting free from germs. Then burn a few drops of aroma oil in an aroma lamp. If the germs have already invaded the body and you are heading towards the worst stages, then the best method for using essential oils is in a gargle. Take one or two drops of the essential oil, and gargle as done in normal circumstances. The best essential oils for flu and cold to use in a gargle are tea tree, sage, eucalyptus, garlic and ginger.
Eucalyptus essential oil is very accommodating for respiratory symptoms that include asthma, bronchitis, cold, cough, nasal congestion, running nose, sinusitis, and sore throat etc.
One research study at Weber State University has found that when certain essential oils are diffused they have a 99% kill rate against airborne bacteria.
If someone has been suffering from cold and flu continually, the best essential oils to reduce the fever are chamomile, black pepper, peppermint, hyssop, and lemon and tea tree.


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